Shoulders pointers are one of the most pathetic things that can happen to a shirt and once they are there, there is almost nothing that you can do about it. However, there is no need to accept it as a fact forever too, there’s a fine line in the middle that we can stand on firmly. But, how do you draw that line? Well, there’s one thing for sure and that is patience, yes, you have to bear them with patience.

 So, what that basically means is that you have just got the shirt out of the hanger and you now you see that there are pointers on the shoulders. So, what can you do now? Well, what you can do is basically put it away and fold it. Or you can just wear it for the last time and the next time you are about to place it in the closet, then consider folding it instead of hanging it, because here’s the thing to consider: Shoulders of your shirt are pointed due to the fact that this t-shirt was not meant to be hanged at all.

1-    Shoulder Pointers

Have you ever had like two pointed shaped bumps on the edge of your shirt? Well, that is what we know as shoulder pointers and they look absolutely horrible. We mean to say that you are not the only one who thinks that they are absolutely pathetic. They are actually the result of a very common practice, yes we know that it doesn’t sound too good but shoulder pointers on our t-shirt are actually our fault. There are all sorts of t-shirts that you can buy and even get to enjoy discounted rates with Amazon discount code.

2-    Here’s How The Shoulder Pointers Occur

When it comes to the shoulder pointers, what we should be conscious of is staying away from hanging those shirts. Yes, the shoulder pointers that you are able to see on your polo or t-shirt is actually your fault. Remember, the t-shirts that get pointers when you take them off of the hanger were never meant to be hanged. Hence, if you find that your t-shirt has pointers on its shoulders when you take it off, remember to fold it the next time before you decide to put it away in your closet.

3-    Do This To Avoid Shoulder Pointers

Whenever you take your shirt off of the hanger and it has pointers on it, then you should immediately know that those t-shirts were not meant to be hung. Now what you should do is take them off of the hanger and, if you have no other choices then wear them. But remember to fold it instead of hanging it the next time you are about to put it in the closet. This is one of the corrective approaches regarding how to treat shoulder pointers, however, if you may also want to check out how to treat them then and there.