Pelvic floor issues are common, affecting women of all ages. These problems can significantly impact one’s quality of life, from urinary incontinence to reduced sexual satisfaction. Medical practices regarding women’s health have advanced, recognizing the very real pain and irritation caused by these issues. As such, Pelvic floor laser therapy is a treatment option that has gained popularity in recent years. 

However, with its rise in popularity, misconceptions and myths have also emerged. These do nothing other than keeping one away from the treatment they deserve. So, here are some myths to be mindful about:

Pelvic Floor Lasers Are Painful

Pelvic floor laser therapy is a minimally invasive and virtually painless procedure. Most patients report feeling only a mild warming or tingling sensation during treatment. There is no need for anaesthesia or a lengthy recovery period, making it a comfortable option for those seeking pelvic floor health improvement.

Pelvic Floor Lasers Are Only for Postpartum Women

While pelvic floor issues are common after childbirth, they can affect women at any stage of life. Pelvic floor laser therapy is suitable for women of all ages, whether they have recently given birth or are experiencing pelvic floor issues due to aging, hormonal changes, or other factors. It’s a versatile solution for various pelvic floor concerns.

Pelvic Floor Lasers Yield No Benefit

Pelvic floor laser therapy is clinically proven to be effective in treating a range of pelvic floor issues. It promotes collagen synthesis, which helps to strengthen and rejuvenate the pelvic tissues. Many women experience significant improvements in their symptoms, including reduced incontinence, enhanced sexual satisfaction, and improved quality of life.

Pelvic Floor Lasers Have Long Recovery Times

One of the advantages of pelvic floor laser therapy is that it has minimal downtime. In fact, daily life can be resumed immediately post treatment. 

There is no Research Support for Pelvic Floor Lasers

With improved medical practices in the field of women’s health, pelvic floor laser therapy itself has seen a positive response from patients and from various studies. 95% of patients have reported improved vaginal tightness after the therapy. The same have also reported reduced stress incontinence. Finally, 97% reported a high level of satisfaction for both incontinence and sexual function. 

Overall, pelvic floor laser therapy is a safe and effective option for women seeking relief from pelvic floor issues. In this regard, opting for Clinique anti aging pelvic floor laser treatment assures a comfortable, safe, and productive session! 

So, don’t let misinformation hold you back from seeking the right treatment.