No one in this entire world would not want to look beautiful. But we all look different because of genetics; irrespective of that, we all enjoy dressing up and caring for ourselves to look good.

But sometimes, you are not born perfect, and maybe you don’t fit in with the definition of beauty. But that should not make you feel any less of yourself. Times have changed, and so do the medical facilities. Now you have the liberty to look just how you want.

In recent years, the medical sector has undergone some significant changes. Now, it has come up with various surgeries and consignment treatments to give you a perfect body and face. The nose shape, a term in Thai, is one type of face restructuring procedure.

These days there are various types of top nose shapes (ทรง เสริม จมูก, which is the term in Thai) available in the market. The treatment primarily depends on the criteria of the clients and depending upon their requirements. The desired procedure is carried out on them.

Type Of Nose Implants Available

The three most popular silicone implant treatments widely available in the market to get that perfect nose shape are as follows.

The Silicon Prime

The prime silicon treatment involves the use of high-quality medicated silicon material. The material used in this treatment is softer than Korean silicon; hence it is more likely to give you a smooth finish at the end of the surgery.

The Korean Silicon

This natural material can be easily twisted and turned as per your requirement. The best part about the Korean silicon material is that it can also be used under the bone marrow. Korean silicon is a non–flammable.

The American Premium

The American prime silicon is excellent for all kinds of cosmetic surgery. It is used to quickly fix your urgent problems and provide a foolproof solution to your cosmetic surgery. It is a tremendous medical silicone to fix your nose.

Pros And Cons Of Undergoing Nose Reconsisement Surgery


  • It gives a great look to your face.
  • You can fix all your cosmetic problems and give yourself a flawless look.
  • The high success rate of surgeries.
  • Give a perfect shape to your nose.
  • Different silicon materials are available in the market to suit your requirement.


  • It’s a cost-effective process. Hence everyone can’t afford it.
  • You might not return to your previous condition once you have undergone surgery.
  • It is irreversible; hence, if you are unhappy with the outcome, you might have to go through the entire process again.


Overall going for a nose implant surgery is your personal choice. But if you are planning to undergo a nose consignment surgery, you should research this procedure correctly. Otherwise, it is an excellent option for people who voluntarily want to opt for this method.